Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Questionnaire Questions for Pastoral Job Applicants

Questionnaire Questions for Pastoral Job Applicants

Over the past two decades, I have entered a few application processes for pastoral employment. Many local churches, and some other faith-based organizations, like to use questionnaires in weeding/screening out prospects. They will receive resumes (and sometimes applications) and compare applicants. Then they rank them and send a questionnaire to their top prospects. In some cases a follow-up questionnaire is sent after the first round of cuts and the list of prospects is narrowed down. These steps often occur before a phone or in-person interview. It is common for these personnel staff groups to take their time and have quality prospects move through several stages of the applicant-candidate process. Each ministry organization varies in how they carry this out but be sure of this, if you ever seek a job as a pastor or ministerial staff person in a faith-based organization, like a local church, you can expect many relevant questions will come your way.

Over the years, I created a master questionnaire reservoir on my computer. This personal resource included all of the questions I received and my responses to those questions. This way I could tap into any previous responses and update them accordingly as needed and as the Lord led.

The people on the employer/organization side of the process seek to learn more about the applicant, especially as it relates to the specific job responsibilities that person is applying for. During the applicant process, they are pondering (hopefully prayerfully) whether that person can do the job well, fit in their organizational culture, and should they move forward with the applicant. It is not all about them, though. The applicant should also be prayerfully asking questions and learning more about the ministry organization and its people, but this write-up is about questionnaires given to pastoral applicants.

Below are examples of questions, and subjects to respond to, that I have personally received as an applicant for various pastoral job positions in a variety of churches the past twenty years.

Personal & Family:
- Contact information
- Marriage, divorce, separation history
- Children names, ages, genders; salvation? baptized?
- Please describe the social/cultural setting in which you were raised.
- How do you function as the spiritual leader of your family?

- Briefly describe your salvation testimony.
- Briefly describe your baptism testimony. When were you baptized? By immersion?
- Briefly describe God calling you to ministry work.

- Spouse saved? If yes, when?
- Spouse baptized? If yes, when, how?

Education background:
- College academic programs/degrees completed, working toward, …
- Certifications, special training credentials

Ordination, licensing information

Experience background (especially ministry related but also transferrable skills from other experiences):
- Name of organization/ministry.
- Location, contact info.
- Role/responsibilities.
- Noteworthy accomplishments, achievements.
- Duration.
- Why did the experience/job end? Or why do you desire to leave?
- May we contact your former/current manager?

Experience and vision related:
- Philosophy of ministry (your priorities, key strategies).
- Describe your experience/training and vision for ministry in each of the following areas: Christian Education, Family Ministry, Discipleship Development, Small Group Development, Assimilation into Church Life
- What role does discipleship play in your life?
- What activities characterize your evangelistic interest?
- Briefly summarize some of the spiritual milestones in your life.
- What is your missionary vision for your role in the church?

Strengths, Weakness, Abilities, Personality
- What are your special talents and abilities?
- Your spiritual gift(s).
- Your personality type. What personality type do you best work with and what type do you struggle with?
- Strengths overall. Strengths in ministry.
- Weaknesses. Personal and ministry areas where you need to improve.

Challenges and Conflict:
- Describe a failure, a disappointing or difficult season, in your ministry and how you grew from it.
- How do you respond to criticism? Please give us a personal example.
- Have you and the Lord been able to remove a bad habit from your life?  If so, briefly explain.

Spiritual Disciplines:
Please comment on the significance of the following in your spiritual walk:
- Prayer, witnessing, fellowship, giving, Bible study, learning, stewardship
- Please provide information regarding your daily quiet time.

Doctrinal Questions:
Briefly summarize your views on the following:
- Holy Scriptures
- The inerrancy, authority and infallibility of the Bible
- God the Father
- God the Son
- the Virgin birth
- the Atoning work on the cross
- the Resurrection
- the Present work of Jesus Christ)
- God the Holy Spirit
- Sin
- Nature of people
- Salvation
- Election/Predestination
- Free Will
- Eternal Security
- Baptism
- Lord’s Supper
- Angels/demons
- Church
- End Times
- Signs/Miraculous Gifts,
- The Lordship of Jesus Christ in one’s life
- The cultivation of holiness in the church
- Baptism of infants
- Creation

- Do you believe the Bible is God’s revealed Word to man, inspired by the Holy Spirit in its entirety without any error?
- Could you explain your opinion about the Calvinism vs. Arminianism, reformed, debate and which school of thought or variations do you adhere to?
- Do you believe that Adam and Eve were real historical characters?
- Do you believe the miracles described in the Bible actually occurred as they are recorded in the Bible?
- Do you believe Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and died on the cross taking upon him the sin of all mankind?
- What are the ways that you understand an individual can obtain eternal life in heaven?
- Describe your image of the ideal disciple.
- What is the relationship between faith and good works?

- Do you feel that you meet the qualifications for an elder as identified in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 & 1 Peter 5:1-4.  Yes or No
- Which are your strongest qualities?
- With which requirements do you have the most trouble?
- What do you believe is the role of an Elder? 
- What do you believe are the roles of the Pastors?

- Having examined our doctrinal statement, do you find yourself in total accord? Yes or No.
- Do you adhere to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000?

Other Questions; statements to respond to:
- Which version of the Bible do you prefer and why?
- What’s your favorite Bible verse? 
- Why are you interested in being considered as a candidate for the role of ? at ?
- What contribution do you feel you could make at ??
- Co-habitation (living together outside of marriage)
- The issue of abortion
- Financial management
- Tithing
- Are you excessively indebted?
- Please explain what accommodation the church should make regarding the issues of
- homosexual behavior
- premarital cohabitation
- social drinking
- The use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs
- How do you practice hospitality?
- What are your views on courting vs. dating?
- Tell of a time in your life when you lived by faith, totally trusting God.
- What are your convictions in the area of personal separation from the world?
- Questionable practices/organizations like secret orders, ecumenical movement
- What is the health status of you and those who would be coming with you?
- If you lack experience or feel unqualified in any of the areas related to this job description, describe how you would compensate or overcome weakness in that area.
- Is there anything you can think of that would keep you from giving at least three years of service to our church? (e.g., Health of parents, children’s plans, etc.)
- Are you aware of any reason that someone may have to question your suitability to serve as ? at ?? If so, please explain.

Leadership, teamwork, administration:
- Have you demonstrated an ability to lead and motivate people to love and serve the Lord?  Please explain.
- If you were supervising someone who had your temperament and your level of experience and education, how would you do it? In other words, what would help a supervisor bring out the best in you?
- If a volunteer under your supervision was not doing the job you expected them to do, what are some things you would do to address the problem?
- How do you delegate responsibility?
- How do you achieve accountability?
- Administrative accomplishments.
- Have you had any background in evaluating and recommending improvements to ministries, procedures, and ministry space? If so, describe your experience.
- How do you supervise, motivate and develop staff, interns and lay leaders?
- Oral and written communication.
- Computer skills.

Music/Worship Style:
- What are your convictions and preferences in the area of music?
- How are you musically?  Instruments? Vocals?  List any musical talent and any ministry experience in the area of music that you or your wife have.
- What are your views on the “seeker” sensitive approach to ministry?

Learning, reading, pastors/speakers:
- If you have read a book or attended a conference that was particularly meaningful to you in the last year, tell us about it, and tell me why it was meaningful to you.
- Who is your favorite Christian author? 
- Are there any preachers, writers, and organizations that you particularly admire?
- Have you ever read Rick Warren’s book Purpose Driven Church?  If yes, what did you think of his approach?
- List any periodicals that you are currently reading.


Age, Gender, Niche related:

- Do you have a specific age group that you are most comfortable with?
- What do you believe to be the greatest needs of youth today?
- What curriculum and materials have you used for music, Bible study, and
evangelism in working with youth or singles?
- Explain your views on the role of women in the local church.
- What do you believe to be the greatest needs of singles today?
- Outdoor activities, camp management and/or experience.

Spouse related:
- Please explain your wife's attitude toward your ministry and your expectations of her involvement in the church.
- What plans would your spouse have regarding employment?
- Does your wife currently work outside the home?  Has she worked outside the home in the past?
- In what church-related activities has your wife participated?

Personal Time:
- How do you like to spend your leisure time?
- If you had several months of free time, assuming adequate funds, what would you work on?
- What television shows and movies do you like to watch?
- What is one of your favorite family activities?

References: name, contact info, your relational context

- If selected as a candidate, do we have your permission to perform a child abuse/criminal background check? If so, please initial here:

If you affirm that you have answered all questions honestly before the Lord and desire to be considered for the position of ? of ?, please sign below.
Candidate’s Signature:          ?                                                              Date:  ?                      

Wife’s Affirmation
Do you believe that your husband is qualified to serve as ?or at ??
Xm Yes    m No  
Do you have any reservations or concerns about your husband serving as an ? at ?? No
As the candidate’s wife, do you fully support him in this decision?      Xm Yes    m No  
Wife’s Signature: ?                                                                              Date:  ?                      

If you have any questions for the Search Committee, please submit them on a separate sheet.

Along with this questionnaire, please submit a recent photo and a CD or DVD of a recent sermon that you have preached.


Wow! There were many examples of actual accumulated questions I have received from churches, over the years, as an applicant for a pastoral job position.

From the perspective of the hiring ministry and/or pastoral applicant side, what are your thoughts on these questions?

And do you have any suggestions for additional pastoral applicant questions?


Monday, July 4, 2016

Running Away from God

My wife, Kym, and I have four children ranging from 14yrs old to 3yrs old. I dearly love them. There are times when they have attitudes and behaviors that I like and some that I don’t like. For example, I love it when my toddler daughter, Elle, runs to me when she sees me from a distance. I feel very loved in that moment. Also, I love it when she and I are doing the same thing together, like holding hands, walking together, or doing a task together. There are other moments I don’t like so much; like when she runs away from me when I tell her to come here or when she flat out resists me with a stubborn attitude going against my stated directions and commands.

It’s interesting how there are similarities between a child’s relationship with their parent and a person’s relationship with God. All four of the behavioral examples I just mentioned about my daughter toward me occur with people toward God. People run away from God. Some people run to God. Some people run with God. And people run against God. All four of these behavioral themes toward God are found in the book of Jonah in God’s Word, respectively in each of the four chapters.

Many people think that the big news in the book of Jonah is about a whale of a tale, but this book is not so much about a big fish moment. This book is primarily about God; His grace, His mercy, His provision, His sovereignty, His message of repentance; and it’s about a prophet named Jonah who found himself in and out of the will of God which is something that we can relate to today. We are either heading toward God, His will, His ways of righteousness or heading away from God in sin. Which path describes your life lately?

From Jonah chapter one, let’s walk through six stages of Jonah trying to run away from God’s will.

Stage 1) God called Jonah to proclaim repentance to sinners in Nineveh; vss1-2

Jonah 1:1-2 ESV Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, 2 “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me.”

Jonah was a prophet who received revelation from God and communicated that to other people, usually to Israelites. Here, however, God called, commissioned, commanded His servant Jonah to go to a pagan mission field; specifically to Nineveh, a big city that was involved in much evil. The context here is that God called Jonah to go to these Gentile pagans and rebuke them for their wickedness, preach to them of their need to repent, to turn to God for salvation and live godly lives and if they didn’t, God’s holy just judgment would come upon them.

This would be a very difficult and dangerous mission for Jonah because this was the capital of the Assyrian Empire, which was quickly becoming the most powerful nation in the world. They were steeped in pagan idolatry and were destroying people groups in the region and had a reputation for being very cruel and wicked in how they treated their enemies.

They were a huge threat to the nation of Israel and this was where God was calling Jonah to preach repentance? Wow! Consider a modern day parallel. God calls a Christian preacher from a biblically saturated culture to go to a crowded city in North Korea or Iran to preach repentance in the name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the only Savior and Lord. That would be a very dangerous mission.

Stage 2) Jonah disobeyed God and fled on a ship in the other direction; vs3

3 But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish. So he paid the fare and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish, away from the presence of the LORD.

I could just imagine Jonah responding to God saying stuff like: “Surely you don’t mean that? The Assyrians? Our worst enemy? Those awful pagans! Wait a minute! You never called other prophets to go preach repentance to our enemy nation. I quit. I’m out of here. Find someone else to do this crazy task.”

Jonah tried to run away from God’s will by fleeing on a ship toward the far west, maybe toward Spain, but there is no escaping the omnipresence of God. Jonah was fleeing the Holy Land where the special divine presence of God was manifested like in the Holy Temple. Jonah was in essence trying to resign from his position of God’s prophet and run away from this divine calling and responsibility. How many times has God called us to be someone and do something and our response was to run in the opposite direction of God’s will?

Why did Jonah disobey? He probably had some Hebrew pride, some national pride. Christians in the United States, do we struggle with a national pride or a Christian pride gloating that we are better than others? Jonah probably lacked faith in God about this dangerous mission. How often has God called us to something and we thought, I can’t, I’m unqualified, that’s too hard, too dangerous, etc…?

Jonah was a faithful prophet as long as God wanted what Jonah wanted. But when God’s marching orders went contrary to Jonah’s comfort zone and desires, the prophet would not do what God told Jonah to do. What about you and me? What is the call to Nineveh in our lives we are saying “no” to God about? When God calls you and me to go communicate His kingdom message to some person, some group, some type of human need, what is our response to God? Is it run to and with God or run away from and against God?

Stage 3) God caused a terrible storm to endanger the ship and its passengers (read vss4-6)

Surprisingly, Jonah is out cold asleep but the captain woke him up and told him to cry out to his god for deliverance from this dangerous storm. It’s a sad thing when a prophet servant of the Lord has to be told by pagans to cry to the Lord for help. Jonah brought trouble to a boat load of sailors because he disobeyed God. Whenever we get out of the will of God there are implications for us and others, some of which we might not learn about until later.

Stage 4) Jonah confessed to the crew he is the reason for the storm & he offered his life for their safety (read vss7-13)

9 And he said to them, “I am a Hebrew, and I fear the LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land.”
12 He said to them, “Pick me up and hurl me into the sea; then the sea will quiet down for you, for I know it is because of me that this great tempest has come upon you.”

No one’s gods were answering the prayers so the crew decided to cast lots as a way to point guilt to someone who was the cause of this storm. I believe God orchestrated the outcome of the lots for His sovereign purposes. Jonah then confessed a few things and the sailors were even more afraid probably thinking Jonah’s God is angry at all of them. Jonah figured that the only safe solution for those onboard was to get him off the ship. Jonah then advised them to throw him overboard. Some scholars notice a type of Christ in this moment when Jonah offered his life for the deliverance of others.

Stage 5) Jonah is thrown into the sea by the crew (read vs14)

The sailors cried out to the God of the universe, Jonah’s God, because they believed Jonah was the reason for this storm and God was upset at Jonah, and they didn’t want to be held accountable for what they were about to do to Jonah.

vss15-16 So they picked up Jonah and hurled him into the sea, and the sea ceased from its raging. 16 Then the men feared the LORD exceedingly, and they offered a sacrifice to the LORD and made vows.

So, the crew did what Jonah told them they should do and they did what they thought might save the lives of all those onboard the ship, even though this meant Jonah would likely die in the sea. They threw him overboard. Notice, then right afterwards, the sea became peaceful. This was another wow moment act of God who is sovereignly in control of the skies and the earth and its seas. Upon the calming of the sea, the sailors gave reverential fear to Jonah’s God and sacrificed something to the Lord and made commitments of some sort.

Stage 6) God provided a great fish to swallow Jonah for 3 days & 3 nights; vs17

17 And the LORD appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

The key point here is not what kind of fish it was or how big it was but that God arranged for this big fish to swallow Jonah and preserve him in there 3 days, 3 nights. We read later that Jonah survived this incredible ordeal, but many people have trouble believing it. Did you know that there have actually been numerous cases reported in more recent times of men who have survived being swallowed by a whale? But that’s beside the point here. We do not need a naturally proven explanation about Jonah surviving in a huge fish. What we need is increased belief and faith in the Lord God Almighty and what He has revealed in Scripture. Amen! You either believe God’s word that God created the Heavens and the earth or you don’t. You either believe God parted the Red Sea and delivered His people from Egypt or you don’t. You either believe that the eternal Son of God became flesh by a virgin birth, became the God-man, died, and then rose in a resurrected body or you don’t. You either believe God used a great fish to swallow up Jonah and preserve his life or you don’t. May the Lord help us have greater belief in God and His Word and may we live accordingly, all to His glory.

From God’s perspective, these circumstances on/in the water and in the big fish for Jonah were an orchestrated series of events drawing Jonah back to God and His will, to an important mission with God to reach a pagan people with God’s message.

Perhaps we know God has called us to a certain place and/or to do a certain work. And we’ve got all the reasons in the world why we think we don’t need or want to obey Him. But running away from God’s will and His Word for us is sin and there will be consequences. May the Lord help us to not disobey Him and instead be faithful obedient believers, knowing God better and better and proclaiming Him better and better to the world. I know from personal experience that running to and with God is not only way better than running away from and against God, it is the best God-honoring God blessed path to be on.

Jonah was on a downward journey in many ways but thankfully the story didn’t end there. God extended Him amazing mercy and grace and provision; and for us today, this is found in Jesus Christ. One of the great evidences of the authenticity of this Jonah story is that Jesus referred to Jonah more than once, using the three days in the belly of a great fish for His own resurrection timeframe. This is exciting! The resurrection of Christ was a key moment in God’s plan of redemption for us; to bring us to God, to be in a right relationship with Him now and forever, by grace through faith in Christ. There is nothing more eternally significant than knowing Jesus personally as your Savior and living for Him as the Lord of your life.

And remember, let’s be consistently running to God and with God! For example, let’s spend quality time in His Word, in prayer, and with His people seeking to understand God’s will and stay in His will consistently engaging in His good works which includes being salt and light in Christ and being the hands, feet, and voice of Christ in this world; being who He wants us to be and doing what He wants us to do; all for His glory! Amen!

I encourage you to prayerfully study the book of Jonah and read ahead. In chapter two you’ll notice Jonah running to God, praising Him, thanking Him. In Chapter three, Jonah’s running with God and a great revival among a large pagan group of people broke out. In chapter four, Jonah is running against God, showing his negative attitude toward God’s mercy toward Ninevah.

May the Lord God Almighty help us consistently run to God and with God and may we point others to the same, all to His glory!

What are your thoughts on Jonah chapter one, this blog, and the issue of running away from God’s will?   


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Accountability Discussion Points/Questions for Christian Men

1) Spiritual Integrity:
Describe how are you doing in your relationship with God?
Describe your inner life with God (i.e. spiritual disciplines like time with God through prayer and time with God through His Word)? What do you do? When? Where?
What has God shown you recently from your time alone with Him?
Describe your recent spiritual life in community with one or more people where the Word is communicated and there is prayer time?
What are the greatest hindrances to your inner life relationship with God lately?
What are the most serious temptations you are facing lately? In what areas of your life are you most vulnerable to temptation?
What kind of God-honoring good works and ministry are you doing for God’s glory lately?
How have you blessed others?
Whom have you communicating Christ to?
How have you been using your spiritual gift(s) and resources to help and serve others in need?

2) Family Integrity (if applicable):
How are you doing in your relationship with your wife and your children (quality time with them; caring, loving, serving, providing for them, spiritual interaction, conflict/resolution)?
What are the greatest hindrances to your God-honoring relationship with your immediate family members?

3) Vocational Integrity (if applicable):
Are you being God-honoring and responsible according to your job description, expectations from your leader(s)? How are you contributing value to the organization to the glory of God?

4) Sexual Integrity:
How are you doing lately with your thoughts and desires related to impurities and lust?
How are you doing at avoiding external sources of lust-oriented content like various forms of pornography; or other videos, pictures, writings, lyrics and such that can trigger lust in your life?
How have you failed with lustful thinking, desires, and behaviors recently?
Have you been engaging in any sexually questionable/immoral associations/communications with others? (if married, no flirting or sexual activity outside of marriage; if not married, no sexual activity with another person)

5) Relational Integrity:
How is your relationship with others, people outside your immediate family (like extended family, co-workers, classmates, teammates, neighbors, church folks…)? no lying, slandering, gossiping, tearing down others; instead be loving toward others, show them grace and truth; be supportive of leaders in your life

6) Financial Integrity:
Are you making timely payment of bills? What are you doing to get out of and/or avoid any unhealthy debt?  How are you being a steward of God-given resources in your life? How are you exceling in being a cheerful giver, tithing, offerings, generosity,…? Are you struggling with materialism? envy? greed? Lack of contentment related to stuff and things in your life?

7) Demonstrate the Fruit of the Spirit;
Gal. 5:22-25 ESV 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
How are you doing recently with demonstrating and expressing the nine elements of the Fruit of the Spirit?  Which ones are you not doing well at recently?

8) Your Hallmark Purpose (Mission) Statement:

I am pressing on as a maturing Christ-follower, a winsome Christ-like instrument of righteousness and encouragement to others, engaging in good works, all for the glory of God. The two key verses are Philippians 3:14 (I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. ESV) and Romans 6:13 (Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. NLT).

How are you doing at being this person? Living this out regularly?

9) Your Resolutions

Examples from Mike:
Today and here on forward, by the grace of God
- I belong to Jesus Christ; He is Creator, Savior and Lord of my life; He has redeemed me.
- I will trust Him and live for/with Him according to God’s Word for His people today.
- I will develop my inner life in Christ by spending regular quality time praying to God.
- I will develop my inner life in Christ by spending regular quality time in God’s Word; learning it, living it, praying it, and proclaiming it.
- I will seek to be Christ-centered, Spirit-filled, and God-glorifying in all I am and do.
- I will build up believers in Christ and build (relational & spiritual) bridges to nonbelievers.
- I will be a Great Commandment Christian (seeking to love God with my all and to love my neighbor as myself).
- I will be a Great Commission Christian (making disciples, baptizing them, and teaching them what Christ has commanded).
- I will love God through worship, and love people through fellowship, discipleship, ministry and witnessing.
- I will be a generous steward of God’s resources.
- I will pour out the Fruit of the Spirit in my life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, & self-control.
- I will love my wife (Kym) and our kids (Luke, Josh, Zachary, and Elle) as the five most important people and primary disciple-making mission field in my life.
- I will be faithful to God, my wife, our kids and to the work God has called me to.
- I will lead those people whom God has called me to lead.
- I will pursue excellence and quality at what God has called me to be and do.
- I will engage in the good works God calls me to engage in.
- I will care for myself in a God-honoring way.
- I will be this person and do these things to the glory of God by God’s grace and my proper response to Him in faith and obedience.

10) Your Top Values

Mike’s example

Belief, Faith, Family, Grace, Truth, Learning, Improvement, Communication, Influence, Discernment, Purpose, Significance, Wisdom, Integrity, Humor, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Priorities, Thankfulness, Fellowship

Describe how you are doing at holding these values up as important in your life?

11) Your Church’s Vision & Mission Statements (if applicable): Thomas Road Baptist Church (Lynchburg, VA) exists to bring glory to God by making a positive difference in the lives of people! To change our world by developing Christ followers who love God and love people!
Six core values:
1. Commitment to Scripture 2. Culture of prayer 3. Lifestyle of worship 4. Connection to community
5. Heart for serving 6. Passion for sharing

How are you doing at contributing to and engaging in this vision/mission statement and carrying out these core values?

12) The Spiritual Leadership Standard in God’s Word for Deacons is a good spiritual standard for any Christian man who seeks to grow/mature in Christ:

1 Tim. 3:8-13 ESV Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. 9They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. 10And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless. 11Their wives£ likewise must be dignified, not slanderers, but sober-minded, faithful in all things. 12Let deacons each be the husband of one wife, managing their children and their own households well. 13For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

Is there anything the Holy Spirit is convicting you about recently that you feel the need to share with me, your Christian brother? If so, what? Have you been truthful about this?

How can I, your brother in Christ, be an encouraging resource to you in your life right now?
How can I, your brother in Christ, pray for you this coming week/month?

As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17 NKJV

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. James 5:16 ESV

submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 ESV

Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. Galatians 6:1 NLT 

What are your thoughts on these discussion points/questions? Do you have some others? 


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Living the Turned Life

The word “turnt” in some sub-cultures is slang for being high on drugs or alcohol, partying hard, and at times refers to high energy fun of all sorts. Lecrae, a well-known Christian hip-hop artist, wrote a song called “I’m Turnt” which relates to living high in the Spirit, according to the truth of the Gospel. Here are some of the lyrics:

Prolly think I'm rolling, I'm just high on the spirit bro
The only thing we popping is the truth, you don't hear me though
They prolly think I'm rolling, I ain't on nothing
But what I got you need to know about cause homie
I'm turnt

My blood stream clean, nothing running through my veins
It's 116, yeah I'm still Unashamed
I call it network if I'm out here fishing

My interpretation of his song is that Lecrae is singing about living the life of repentance in Jesus Christ. I believe he is using the word “turnt’ here with a dual meaning, one of having hyped up fun (God-honoring) and the other of turning his life over to Christ.

The Bible word “repent” means to turn, to change from one thing to another, and this is a very important element to living the life God intends for you and I to live.

Here we are as humans, born into a sin problem and we choose to sin. Praise God, He has a plan of redemption for sinners, a plan of salvation and true life, a better life for us, who by Gods’ grace through faith in Christ can be reconciled with God and live with joy, peace, and real meaning and purpose.

Repentance in the Christian life is part of the salvation conversion moment and also part of the daily journey of walking in, with, and for Christ.

When I was around 5 years of age, our family was not attending church or talking about Jesus and God’s Word that I recall. Our neighbor invited us to attend their nearby Baptist church. I began to attend. Over the next few years I was greatly influenced with the Gospel by Sunday School teachers and Children’s Church leaders. When I was 8 years old my mom got saved, she received Christ into her life as her personal Savior and she began to be a great influence in my life about such things. When I was 9, I realized that there was a true God who was holy and that I had a sin issue that leads to Hell unless I trust Christ as my Savior; that God loves me and wants to give me eternal life and an abundant life now if I receive Him into my life as my Savior. I wanted to go to heaven some day and I wanted God in my life fulltime to counter my feelings of loneliness and insecurities so I placed my trust in Christ as my Savior. I did not know all the Bible words and terminology related to salvation at the time but I now know that God’s plan of salvation includes repentance.

This is what Jesus called us sinners to do (Lk. 5:32 ESV I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. Lk. 13:3 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish) and what He called His followers to proclaim (Lk. 24:47) which we see in practice right away in Acts (2:38, 17:30, 20:21).

At its core, salvation repentance is basically turning from rejecting (or ignoring) Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord to turning to Jesus; trusting Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. This was the most important turn in my life, the most important change in my life. I accepted and received Christ into my life when I was nine years old but God’s plan of salvation is not just about some sort of one time conversion moment. It’s not just a ticket into God’s heaven. It’s not just some sort of fire insurance to avoid hell. Salvation is about an ongoing relationship with Christ and involves our ongoing commitment of aligning our lives in, with, and for Christ.

Christ-followers are to live the turned life, the life of repentance.
Acts 26:20b ESV repent and turn to God, performing deeds in keeping with their repentance
Mt. 3:8 ESV Bear fruit in keeping with repentance.

Many Christ-followers need to be reminded of a daily repentance or believers’ repentance, that today, in this very moment, I need to make decisions that are God-honoring, I need to turn away from sinful ways and turn to God-pleasing ways. This is what the Bible means when we are exhorted to live with fruit of repentance and live out a life of repentance in Christ. And keep in mind that this repentant living is not on auto-pilot just because there was this one day that you received Christ into your life. We must make consistent decisions of repentance toward God-honoring living.  

One of the best biblical examples of believers needing to repent is the church in Ephesus whom Christ sent a letter to. Rev. 2:5 ESV Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.

If you don’t know Christ as your Savior and Lord, then give your heart over to Him now. And we don’t have to fix our life and clean it all up before turning to and trusting Christ as Savior and Lord. Trust Christ now and He will begin changing your heart and helping you with your decision making to be in more alignment with Christlikeness but we have responsibility with our thoughts, attitudes, and actions.  

I believe repentance is something God helps us with (2 Tim. 2:25) and we are also personally responsible with our decision making toward repenting regularly. I believe that when God truly saves someone from their sins, that He seals them in Christ by the Holy Spirit and that person stays saved by God’s grace (Eph. 1:13, John 10:27-29). So, when you sin as a redeemed Christ-follower, I don’t believe you face losing your salvation but you do face the need to confess daily sins and repent from daily sins as part of your holy sanctification journey to be the person God calls you to be.

When it comes to recovery and real spiritual growth, we must repent of daily sins in order to really live a victorious joyous life in Christ.

Recovery Step #3 and Principle #3 in Celebrate Recovery are “We made a decision to turn our lives and our wills over to the care of God.” and “Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control.” And the accompanying verses are: Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1
Happy are the meek, Matthew 5:5a

I am to give my life over to Christ and my daily will over to Christ.

After my initial salvation conversion I experienced two key periods of wholesale repentance in my life and there have been many moments of daily repentance (in fact, I pray daily for God to help me repent of sinful ways and I need to do my part with my decision making). When I was an older adolesent I realized that I was drinking alcohol irresponsibly and hanging around partying fighting guys. I was spiritual convicted around this time to mature in Christ, mature as a man, and prepare for a career after college. So, I cleaned up my life, so to speak, by not hanging around certain people who were not a good influence in my life, by stopping the social drinking routine, by living a more God-honoring life, and becoming a leader at church in the youth ministry. I became more focused on eternally significant living and God helped me through this and I found myself more consistently in the will of God where there was more peace, joy, and fruitfulness and fulfillment as a Christ-follower.

Later in my twenties, I did backslide some morally and I reached a point when I was very spiritually convicted again and this time I clearly sensed God was calling me to leave my career to become a pastor and so I more fully surrender my life to Christ in my day to day decision making and behavior.

Growing up over the years, I have had many moments of crying out to God to help me repent on wrongful things like an addiction to smokeless tobacco and lust. I needed God’s help to turn away from junk music lyrics and media content that was contaminating my soul. I’ve need mature Christian accountability in my life to help me stay on the right path that pleases God.  

Turning my will over to Christ daily requires my ongoing commitment to Him and His ways. It’s not just the bad I need to say no to, it’s the good (in Christ) I need to say yes to. I need to cultivate a spiritual intimacy with Christ through prayer and Bible learning. I need to live according to God’s Word for his people today and that include doing some life with fellow Christ-followers.

Do you need to repent of rejecting or ignoring Christ as your Savior and Lord? If so, mikesmorals.blogspot.com/2013/09/great-news-gods-plan-for-true-life.html

If you are a redeemed Christ-follower, is there something you need to repent of in your life? Something that is a sin foothold or sin habit that you need deliverance from, freedom from, and victory over?

There is hope in Jesus Christ, for help, for holistic healing, for living the true abundant life in Christ God wants you and I to live.

Let’s live the turned life for the glory of God.

What do you think about what I’ve written here about living the turned life in Christ?
